Russia – Soviet: An excellent Siege of Budapest Order of the Red Banner to Guards Colonel F.N. Shtonda, Commander of the Artillery Troops of the 40th Guards Rifle ‘Enakievo-Danube’ Red Banner Division for his part in leading large scale artillery operations against attempted German breakthroughs to relieve the encircled German troops who finally surrendered on 15th February 1945.
Order of the Red Banner, type 4, reverse numbered 186466
Condition: Nearly Extremely Fine
Fedor Nikolaevich Shtonda was born in Olginskaya district, Krasnodar Oblast in 1908 and served in the Red Army from June 1941 until June 1946, becoming a member of the Communist Party in 1943.
Shtonda was to receive five decorations for gallantry during the Patriotic War, the first of these was an Order of the Red Star by decree of the 28th Army on 12th February 1943, the second an Order of the Patriotic War 2nd Class by order of the 5th Shock Army on 16th October 1943, the third an Order of the Patriotic War 1st Class by Order of the 46th Army on 3rd April 1944.
This Order of the Red Banner was Shtonda’s fourth decoration being awarded to him as Guards Colonel and Commander of the Artillery Troops of the 40th Guards Rifle ‘Enakievo-Danube’ Red Banner Division by Order of the 2nd Ukrainian Front on 8th June 1945 on the back of the following recommendation:
‘Comrade Shonda exhibited professionalism and ability of conducting large scale artillery operations in the period of elimination of the encircled enemy force in Budapest. He fully provided the division defensive capability in holding the sector Obarok – station Szar. Following his bold and qualified combat decision, the artillery assumed open sight positions and delivered punishing fire at the enemy armour and infantry, which attempted to break towards the encircled enemy pocket in Budapest.
He exhibited close personal interest in all the issues, personally ventured and inspected the field artillery positions, resolved coordination issues between the artillery and the rifle units, ensured the strength of the division defences
During the period 04.01.1945-15.02.1945, just the artillery unit of the division inflicted the following damage to the enemy: 8 tanks, 1 APC, 16 machine-guns, 720 enemy troops. Supressed: 2 Artillery and 1 mortar batteries, 5 heavy machine-guns, 1 nebelwerfer. They repelled 15 enemy attacks by up to a battalion strong, where comrade Shtonda exhibited personnel example of courage in a life threatening situation. He deserves the state award - Order of the Red Banner.’
Shtonda would later receive a second Order of the Red Banner by Order of the 3rd Ukrainian Front on 14th June 1945, most likely for taking part in the Vienna Offensive. He would also receive a Medal for the Capture of Budapest, a Medal for the Capture of Vienna and a Medal for the Victory over Germany.
After the war he is noted as unemployed whilst living at Apartment 8, 15 Kommunarov Street in Krasnodar.