Russia – Soviet: A fine Pomeranian Offensive and possible later Reichstag assault participants Order of the Patriotic War 2nd Class awarded to Major of the Administrative Service K.A. Zavirukha, the Battalion Senior Medic, 174th Guards Independent Signals Battalion, 18th Guards Mechanised Division who joined the Red Army in July 1934 and having survived the Officer purges of the late 1930s would serve during the Polish campaign of September 1939 and then throughout the Patriotic War being decorated with an Order of the Red Star as a result of his actions during the post-Kursk summer offensives of 1943 and then receiving this award due to his excellent medical work during the Pomeranian offensive of February-March 1945 just prior to the attack on Berlin. He would continue serving after the war later receiving the Order of the Red Banner for 20 years long service. As a part of the 674th Rifle Regiment, 150th ‘Idritsa’ Rifle Division at the time of the award he would likely have shortly after treated wounded personnel from the attack on the Reichstag in Central Berlin, with scouts of the Regiment being the first to raise a Red Banner over the building.
Order of the Patriotic War, type 2, flatback reverse, numbered 555667
Condition: Good Very Fine
Konstantin Arkhipovich Zavirukha was born in the village of Motovilovka, Lyubarsky District, Zhitomir Oblast during 1914. A Ukrainian national he attained a middle school education and joined the Red Army 25th July 1934.
Serving in the Polish campaign in 1939, he would also serve from the outset of the Patriotic War on 22nd June 1941 being severely wounded on 10th September 1941 and then lightly wounded on 2nd March 1943.
He would be decorated with the Order of the Red Star by decree of the Commander of the 219th Rifle Division on 22nd August 1943, and then shortly after the end of the conflict an Order of the Patriotic War 2nd Class by decree of the Commander of the 3rd Shock Army on 31st May 1945 whilst serving as a Captain of the Medical Company, 674th Rifle Regiment, 150th ‘Idritsa’ Rifle Division, the recommendation reading as follows:
‘During his service in the regiment, since July 1944, in the position of commander of the medical company, he has proven himself to be a disciplined commander, highly knowledgeable of his field, demanding of himself and his subordinates. During offensive, highly knowledgeable of his field, demanding of himself and his subordinates. During offensive operations by the regiment on the 27th and 28th of February and from the 4th to the 8th March 1945, on the 1st Belarussian Front, in challenging conditions, under artillery and mortar fire from the enemy’s side, he organised timely medical aid to wounded and their evacuation to Medical-Sanitary Battalion 125.
Aid was rendered to 199 wounded soldiers and officers without a single death at the field medical station; 82 splints were applied to the severely wounded. In challenging conditions, he organised blood transfusions for 42 severely wounded, saving their lives. Under his direction subperiostal anesthesia and Vishesky blockades were administered to 39 severely wounded. He achieved the evacuation of wounded to Medical-Sanitary Battalion 135 within the first 4 hours from the moment of wounding, always providing hot food and tea in any conditions. He devotes all his energy and knowledge to saving the wounded and to hastening their return to duty. He is devoted to the Party of Lenin and Stalin. Deserves awarding of the Order of the Patriotic War 2nd Class.’
150th ‘Idritsa’ Rifle Division was instrumental in the capture of the Reichstag building the symbol of the Red Army’s victory in the Patriotic War, in his role as a medic he would likely have treated men who were wounded in this battle. He would receive the Medal for the Liberation of Warsaw and the Medal for the Capture of Berlin as well as a Medal for the Victory over Germany.
Remaining in the Red Army after the conflict he would a Medal for Combat Merits for 10 years long service on 6th November 1945, an Order of the Red Star for 15 years long service on 15th November 1950 and an Order of the Red Banner for 20 years long service on 5th November 1954. He would also receive a Medal for the 30th Anniversary of the Soviet Army and Navy.