India General Service Medal 1854-1895, 2 Clasps: Burma 1887-89, Chin Hills 1892-93 awarded to Private Vinneepermaul, 21st Madras Infantry who saw service in Burma during the clear up operations in the aftermath of the Third Burmese War and then during the operations to suppress the Sivin-Nwengal uprising in the Northern Chin Hills of Burma.
India General Service Medal 1854-1895, 2 Clasps: Burma 1887-89, Chin Hills 1892-93; (346 Pte. Vinneepermaul 21st Madras Infy)
Condition: suspender a little slack as typical of IGS 54, Good Very Fine
Awarded to Private (No. 346) Vinneepermaul, 21st Madras Infantry, Indian Army who saw service in Burma during the clear up operations in the aftermath of the Third Burmese War in the period 1887 to 1889 and then during the operations to suppress the Siyin-Nwengal Uprising in the Northern Chin Hills of Burma.
The Siyin-Nwengal Uprising occurred when the Chins rose in rebellion against British proposals to disarm the tribes. As an immediate response, forces under Captain Caulfied from Fort White were sent into the troubled area but the rebellion spread and further forces under Captain Preserve were sent to the Tiddim and Fort White districts. Brigadier General Palmer, C.B arrived in December 1892 to take command and called in further reinforcements to garrison strategic points, destroy rebel villages and ambush Chin fighting groups. The campaign devolved, as usual in Burma, into the despatch of small columns into rebel areas, but as the Chins would not stand to fight, there were few encounters. These operations lasted from 19th October 1892 to 10th March 1893