Great War casualty Gallipoli 1914-1915 trio awarded to Private R.W. Roberts, Royal Welsh Fusiliers who saw service at Gallipoli from 2nd October 1915 and would be discharged on 22nd March 1917 having suffered gunshot wounds to the right arm which led to its amputation.
Group of 3: 1914-1915 Star; (23714 PTE. R.W. ROBERTS. R.W. FUS. ) British War Medal and Victory Medal; (23714 PTE. R.W. ROBERTS. R.W. FUS.)
Condition: Good Very Fine
Awarded to Private (No. 23714) Robert W. Roberts, Royal Welsh Fusiliers who saw service at Gallipoli from 2nd October 1915 who was discharged on 22nd March 1917 having suffered gunshot wounds to the right arm which led to its amputation.