Germany - Third Reich: Customs RSV-Reichsfinanzverwaltung (Reich Finance Administration) Official’s Cuff Title featuring upswept wing tipped Customs eagle in silver wire with silver edging on green cuff band.
Customs Service cuff band featuring upswept wing tipped Customs eagle in silver wire with silver edging on green cuff band.
Condition. Unused condition, full length, Good condition.
This simple cufftitle was authorized for wear on the lower left sleeve by all customs personnel below the rank of General. The German Customs Service, which dates back to 1934 when the original Customs Union was formed, was divided into 2 separate branches... the Zollbeamte (Customs Officials) and the Landzollbeamte (Land Custom Officials), which was subdivided again into the Zollgrenzschutz (Land Customs Border Guards) and the Wasserzollbeamte (Water Customs Officials).