Germany – Third Reich: A small posthumous Afrika Korps document group awarded to Gefreiten Friedhelm Hansen, 90th Panzer-Nachrichten-Abteilung who would be awarded the Italo-German Campaign Medal and having been killed south of Gabes on 22nd March 1943 would be posthumously awarded the ‘Afrika’ cuff-title.
Award Certificates:
1) ‘Afrika’ Cuff-title awarded at Weimar on 17th November 1943 as a Gefreiten in Panzer-Nachrichten-Ersatz-Abteilung 81. Signed by a Captain and Company Commander.
2) Italo-German Campaign in Africa awarded on 4th January 1943 as a Gefreiten in Panzer-Nachrichten-Abteilung 90.
Death notice dated 11th April 1943 stating he was a 19 year old who died in heavy fighting on 22nd March 1943 and is buried in El Mdou Cemetery south of Gabes,
Friedhelm Hansen would see service in North Africa with the 90th Panzer-Nachrichten-Abteilung, and would be awarded the Italo-German Campaign in Africa Medal on 4th January 1943, and would be killed in action as a Corporal in heavy fighting south of Gabes on 22nd March 1943 being buried in El Mdou Cemetery.
He would be posthumously awarded with the ‘Afrika’ Cuff Title on 17th November 1943 when the certificate and award would be forwarded to his family.