Germany – Third Reich: A fascinating Afrika Korps and later Stalingrad Anti-Tank gunners document group awarded to Corporal Heinrich Wolfmuller, 14th Panzerjager Kompanie, 212th Grenadier Regiment, 79th Infantry Division who saw service in North Africa during the period August 1941 until August 1942 saw service in North Africa as the commander of a 7.5cm Anti-Tank gun before joining 79th Infantry Division in Russia, this division saw action at Stalingrad including during the fighting for the Red October Tractor Factory in October 1942. Somehow escaping the encirclement, the recipient would be present in the Kuban. In October 1943 he would receive shrapnel wounds to the right shoulder and left hand which resulted in the end of his frontline service.
1) Statement of non-Jewish descent, 2nd April 1940.
2) Two personal data sheets (1942, 1943). Entered are relevant personal and military career data including campaigns involved in, medals awarded, promotions etc.
3) Letter by his unit to the Neuberg Military recruiting office, 20th May 1943, requesting for the issue of a replacement Wehrpass to Wolfmuller as the original was lost when his unit was destroyed at Stalingrad.
4) Summary of operational motorcycle driving days, counting for the award of the Drivers Proficiency Badge. May – July 1943 he made 31 trips by light motorcycle.
5) Military personal records extract dated 30th August 1944.
6) Wehrstammbuch. Counter part of the Wehrpass.
Heinrich Wolfmuller served from August 1941 until August 1942 as 7.5cm Anti-Tank gun commanding officer with Panzergruppe Afrika in North Africa taking part in the fighting in Cyrenaica, Tobruk, Mersa-Matruh, El Alamein. In August 1942 he returned to Germany and served until December 43 with 14th Panzer Jager Kompanie, 212th Grenadier Regiment of the 79th Infantry Division.
During the fighting at Stalingrad the division was moved from opposite the Soviet bridgehead at Serafimovich into the factory district during early October 1942. On 17th October 1942 part of the division would take part in the fighting in the Factory District including in the Red October Tractor Factory.
In February 1943 this unit was destroyed at the final surrender in Stalingrad and was reformed that same month in Stalino, Russia before taking part in the Kuban between June and September 1943. In October 1943 he would be hospitalised with a severe case of malaria due to which he did not serve in operational units for the rest of the war.
Wolfmuller would be decorated with the Wound Badge in Black, ‘Afrika’ cuff title, Italo-German Campaign in Africa Medal.