A very fine Officer’s Army of India Medal 1799-1826, 1 Clasp: Ava awarded to Captain Frederick Bond, Artillery who would serve as a Lieutenant Fire Worker with the Field Force under Colonel Dowse in the southern Mahratta Country from September 1912 to May 1814 and then in 1815 with the Army under His Excellency Lieutenant General Sir T. Hyslop, K.C.B. He would go on to see service with the Army in Ava under Major General Sir Alexander Campbell, K.C.B., throughout the war and was at the taking of nine Stockades in October 1824. He would Command the Artillery with the Flotilla under Brigadier General Fraser to Panlang in October 1824 and in the early part of December 1824, commanded the main battery at the Shoe Dagoon Pagoda when it was invested by the Burmese. On 15th December 1824 he would command the Artillery with the Division under the command of Brigadier General Cotton, C.B. in the combined attacks on the stockaded position of the Burmese at Kokane, on which he occasion he would receive the personal thanks of Major General Sir A. Campbell, K.C.B., and of Brigadier General Cotton, C.B., commanded the Artillery till the close of the war in Ava with the Depot at Rangoon under Brigadier Smelt, C.B. and received the personal thanks of that Officer for exertions during the fire which threatened the Store Depot. He would go on to command the Artillery with the expedition to Malacca in January 1832, under Brigadier Herbert and received the public thanks of that Officer in Brigade Orders on the 3rd May 1832, when the Malays attacked the British Camp; as also on the 15th June following on the capture of Taboo. Received the approbation of Government in a Minute of Council, dated 19th March 1832. Received the approbation of the Court of Directors in a letter to Government in the Military Department, 21st May 1834. Having returned to India he would hold several more commands over the following decade including that of the Nagpore Subsidiary Force and the Hyderabad Subsidiary Force as well as being present at the affair at Zorapore on the 18th October 1938 to which force he was appointed Prize Agent, received the tanks of Lieutenant Colonel A.B. Dyce on the occasion, and the approbation of the Court of Directors, published in the Fort St. George Gazette 12th February 1841. He would go on sick leave to the Neilgherries in February 1846. Continued on leave of absence till his return to Europe in the early part of 1847, where he retired from the Service on the 23rd November 1848.
Army of India Medal 1799-1826, 1 Clasp: Ava; (CAPTN FREDK BOND, ARTY.)
Condition: Nearly Extremely Fine
Frederick Bond was a Cadet of 1810 and arrived in India from 27th July 1811, commissioned as Lieutenant Fire Worker, 27th July 1811 as 1st Lieutenant 15th April 1817, as Captain 1st May 1824, as Major 28th June 1838 and as Lieutenant Colonel 14th July 1840.
Served with the Field Force under Colonel Dowse, in the Southern Mahratta Country, from September 1812 to May 1814 and in 1815 served with the Army under His Excellency Lieut. General Sir. T. Hyslop, K.C.B.
Served with the Army in Ava under Major General Sir Alexander Campbell, K.C.B. throughout the War, and was at the taking of nine Stockades in October 1824. Commanded the Artillery with the Flotilla, under Brigadier General Fraser to Panlang, in October 1824, and in the early part of December 1824, commanded the main battery at the Shoe Dagoon Pagoda, when invested by the Burmese. On the 15th of the same month was present at, and commanded the Artillery with the Division under the command of Brigadier General Cotton, C.B. in the combined attacks on the Stockaded position of the Burmese at Kokane, on which he occasion he received the personal thanks of Major General Sir A. Campbell, K.C.B., and of Brigadier General Cotton, C.B. commanded the Artillery till the close of the war in Ava with the Depot at Rangoon under Brigader Smelt, C.B. and received the personal thanks of that Officer for exertions during the fire which threatened the Store Depot, was Deputy Commissary of Ordnance at Rangoon from February 1825 to May 1826.
Commanded the Artillery in the Straits of Malacca from April 1827, to May 1831 and again from February 1833, to January 1834. Commanded the Artillery with the expedition to Malacca in January 1832, under Brigadier Herbert and received the public thanks of that Officer in Brigade Orders on the 3rd May 1832, when the Malays attacked the British Camp; as also on the 15th June following on the capture of Taboo. Received the approbation of Government in a Minute of Council, dated 19th March 1832. Received the approbation of the Court of Directors in a letter to Government in the Military Department, 21st May 1834.
Commanded the 4th Battalion Artillery from January 1834 till 1836, from April 1836 until October 1836, exercised the command of the Artillery Nagpore Subsidiary Force, and commanded the 4th Battalion from that date till January 1839.
In 1839 commanded the Artillery Hyderabad Subsidiary Force and the command of the Artillery with the Kurnool Field Force, was present at the affair at Zorapore on the 18th October 1938 to which force he was appointed Prize Agent, received the tanks of Lieutenant Colonel A.B. Dyce on the occasion, and the approbation of the Court of Directors, published in the Fort St. George Gazette 12th February 1841.
During the absence of Lieutenant Colonel P. Montgomerie, C.B., he was appointed to act as Principal Commissary of Ordnance, which he held from the 25th April 1840, to 10th November 1841, when he was selected for the command of the Artillery when reinforced in the Tenasseram Province, and held that command till 29th November 1842. In February 1843, he joined the Artillery at Secunderabad and commanded the 1st Battalion, and Artillery Hyderabad Subsidiary Force from that date until February 1844.
Appointed Director of Artillery Depot of Instruction 27th February 1844, which appointment he vacated 14th February 1845, under the provision of G.O.G. 9th April 1839, commanded the 1st Battalion, and Artillery Hyderabad Subsidiary Force from March 1845, till he went on sick leave to the Neilgherries in February 1846. Continued on leave of absence till his return to Europe in the early part of 1847, where he retired from the Service on the 23rd November 1848.